

Undergraduate Admissions

P: 816.501.2401 / E: admission

Important Admissions Dates

  • September 30 and November 4: View AU Open Houses
  • December 31: 2024-2025 FAFSA Available Online 
  • January 31: Housing Priority Deadline for Fall 2024
  • Ongoing: FAFSA due for Registration, complete yours today!
  • March 1: Deposit Priority Deadline for Fall Housing
  • May 1: National Decision Day for High School Seniors

At Avila, You’ll Find…

A campus teeming with creative, caring, 以及那些对改变世界充满激情的人. Here, guided by our mission and values, you’ll be encouraged to aim high and dream big. 我们将和顶尖的学者们在一起, engaging research opportunities, valuable internship experiences, 以及学生支持资源,帮助你一路走来.

“Don’t change who you are so people will like you. 做你自己,对的人会爱真正的你.” – Demarquice,
Avila Mentor

Test-Optional Admission


1) Test-Optional Admission -根据Avila的考试可选录取流程,持有2分的申请人.75或更高的高中累积GPA可以在不提交ACT或SAT成绩的情况下被阿维拉录取.

  • Provisional Test-Option Admission – 2.5 – 2.累积平均分74分,必修3学分的“成功策略”课程.

2) Standard Admission – see details below

High school grade point averages of 2.5 or above (4.0 scale)

ACT成绩20分或以上或SAT成绩1020分(CRW+数学)或以上- Avila的ACT学院代码2278或SAT学院代码6109

For successful admission to the university, 阿维拉强烈建议高中申请者完成16个单元的大学预科课程

我们鼓励一年级申请者在完成高中三年级后不久提交入学申请. 在评估学生的申请之前,必须向Avila Admission提交以下材料清单:

Application for Admission – Apply Online for FREE!

Submit your ACT or SAT Scores (If you take the ACT or SAT, your scores won’t hurt you, 但他们会帮你省去分班考试)

正式高中成绩单直接寄到买球推荐软件app排名: admission@mcsoccer.net


Avila University
Admission Office
11901 Wornall Road
Kansas City, MO 64145

一年级申请者可以在高中或中学学习满六个学期后申请. 表明高中毕业的最终成绩单需要在第一年的课程开始之前提交给Avila Admission.

未完成高中学业的申请人可以根据GED考试成绩考虑入学. Students must submit official GED scores. For Missouri residents, 教育和中学部门保留GED的官方分数. 您可以联系他们,要求提供您的GED正式成绩单.


Ready to be an Eagle?

Let’s do this!
1. Visit 2. Talk with an Admission Advisor 3. Apply




Inspired by our founders, the Sisters of St. Carondelet的Joseph,我们的校园培养了一个包容、理解和和平的社区. Avila’s Buchanan Initiative for Peace and Nonviolence 是我们校园将这些价值观付诸行动的光辉榜样吗. Our Thornhill Gallery hosts artists, activists, 以及寻求促进理解与合作的人道主义组织. 我们新开的阿维拉社区食品储藏室 Eagles Aware sexual harassment program, 是否正在创造一个安全的环境,让你专注于最重要的事情:你的教育. You’re welcome here.

Excellence in teaching and learning

Avila’s class sizes might be small, 但你将从我们优秀的教师那里学到的知识却不会. 我们的教授既有学术专长,70%的教授拥有博士学位.D., 或者在他们的研究领域的最高学位-与现实世界, 实践经验,使你全面掌握雇主所需要的技能. And with our Center for Student Excellence, Learning Commons, and other resources, 你会在校园里得到你需要的帮助,以解决课堂内外的任何挑战.

卓越和Avila: 100多年的传统.

Professor in biology class points across the room
Don’t just take our word for it. 最近,有意向的学生来到这里,让两名阿维拉学生回答他们的问题. It’s the inside story in their own words.

Access: Avila University

College within reach.

为大学做计划会让大多数学生和家庭对你的教育到底要花多少钱感到困惑(和担忧). 公布的学费价格,减去奖学金,加上住房,别忘了书本费和其他费用! And what if you want to study abroad? How about research opportunities and internships? 


100% of Avila students receive scholarships. Upfront, 你的学术或运动成绩可以获得21美元,000 – $24,000 in scholarships. 最重要的是,你可以获得表现,参与和访问补助金,以降低你的学费.

On-time graduation and student debt. Graduating on time, without the expense of added semesters, 学生能做的最重要的事情是降低他们的大学债务. 如果你在阿维拉尽到自己的职责,我们也会尽到自己的职责,确保你按时毕业.

在课堂之外获得宝贵的经验. Avila为每个专业的每个学生提供有保证的研究或实习机会. 

16 NAIA varsity sports
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The Arts
The Arts
从戈珀特表演艺术中心的主舞台到桑希尔美术馆, the arts are alive at Avila
Learn More

Come See Us

Visit Avila

Interested in learning more about Avila? We would love to host you for a campus visit. 了解更多个人和团体参观的机会.

Plan a Visit
Student walking on campus framed by magnolia blooms
Coin toss before a home football game vs. Bethany College

Upcoming Events

Kayla Reed, Marketing major


Kayla Reed, BSBA Marketing
Explore Avila’s 2021 Campus Viewbook
Ready to Take Flight?

Already Accepted?

If you have applied and been accepted to Avila, 及时了解入学过程的重要部分. 

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